Monday, February 12, 2007

Tired of Weight Loss Scams?

Every day we are bomabarded by images of beautiful celebrities who seem to achieved impossibly perfect figures. How do they do it? With expensive personal trainers, gormet food home delivery and deluxe spa treatments. Well what about those of us who don't have the time and money to spend on indulging in the lastest $1000 per month spa foods delivery or spend two hours a day at budokon class? In other words, wouldn't it be nice to lose a ton of weight with minimal effort? No tough exercise program, just you relaxing at home watching the pounds fall off. I, for one, have been searching for a program like that FOREVER! I've spent hundreds, (at this point probably thousands of dollars), testing out all those new fad diets and weight loss pills only to be disapointed again and again.

Whether its the South Beath, Atkins, Zone, Hoodia suppliments, cortisol, green tea supplements, grapefruit supplements, we've seen all the fantastic claims that people have made about losing tons of weight, and they show you how you can do the same thing. I can tell you right now that 99% of these people are total frauds. You may have even fallen prey to one of these scam artists, selling you their lastest "lose weight fast" programs. Me too. I've bought so many of these programs that I can't even recall how many. I don't know why, but I tend to find the "good" in people, and I was "sold" by these marketing schemes time and time again, even after being scammed by another. Finally, after so many disappointments, I got FED UP! I was tired of yo yo dieting. I wanted to lose weight and keep it off.

So I did some serious investigation as to what programs were frauds and which ones weren't. Essentially, we all know that in order to lose weight you need to expend more calories than you intake. Well, sounds easy enough, but whether its becuase of emotional overeating or lack of physical activity, most of us can't manage. So then I started looking into a couple of programs that made sense biologically. I looked for programs that had a staff on hand to answer any questions that I had and to support me in my weight loss goals. After much trial and error, I finally found a few programs that I now believe in. If you're tired of supplements and drugs and you don't want to screw up your metabolism then I suggest you give these programs a try.

I've now lost a little over ten pounds in the last month and pretty much reached my weight loss goal. I finally now feel "celebrity skinny" and I guess I just wanted to let people know that there are programs out there that work and not to give up trying to reach your weight loss goals. You can look as good as you want to. Below are the three that I recommend. I know that they were both having a Valentine's Day special the last time I looked, so check them out today!

Good Luck!

Here are 3 programs I recommend:

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Fat Loss '4' Idiots

The Negative Calorie Diet

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