Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Foods For The Negative Calorie Diet

By now many peoples have heard about the negative calorie diet and how it can help them lose weight, keep the weight off and generally live a happier and healthier life. In addition to that, recent lab studies have shown the possibility that using a negative calorie diet can also help with slowing the aging process.

With all of the things going for it the one thing it doesn't have is an easy understanding of what exactly a negative calorie diet consists of and what foods are involved that can produce negative calorie results. The very basics of it is that it is a diet that consists of foods are harder to digest, thus, making your body expend more energy in the process of digestion.

To top it off the amount of calories that are burned off during the processing of these foods is far greater than the number of calories the foods themselves contain. Thus, by eating harder to digest foods with low calories one is able to burn more calories than they bring into their body.

Keep in mind that no food actually contains negative calories, it is simply the term referred to a food that burns more calories in the digestion process than it contains. The majority of the foods that work well with this diet are fruits and vegetables. Below you will find some of the more common items that fit into these categories.

Common 'Negative Calorie' Fruits

Apricots, Mandarin oranges, Blackberries, Melon Cantaloupes, Blackcurrant Peaches, Plums, Damsons, Raspberries, Grapefruit, Rhubarb, Guavas, Strawberries, Honeydew Melons, Tangerines, Lemons and Watermelons.

Common 'Negative Calorie' Vegetables

Asparagus, Fennel, Aubergine, Gourds, Broccolis, Leek, Cabbage, Lettuce, Carrots, Marrow, Cauliflowers, Peppers, Celery, Radishes, Chicory, Spinach, Cress, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Turnips.

It is important that once a person starts himself or herself on a negative calorie diet that they are careful to ensure their body is getting the nutrients it needs. There are certain vitamins and minerals the body needs that aren't always provided by the common foods on would intake for this kind of diet.

To supplement your diet and ensure you are getting what the body needs it is recommended to include foods on your menu that contain at least some amounts of proteins and fats.

Another caveat a person should be aware is that while instituting a negative calorie diet into their lifestyle, they should never forego getting a healthy amount of exercise. The combination of the two will become a powerhouse to helping you lose weight.

Want to learn more about how the negative calorie diet can help you? Visit: Negative Calorie Diet Information

Monday, February 12, 2007

Tired of Weight Loss Scams?

Every day we are bomabarded by images of beautiful celebrities who seem to achieved impossibly perfect figures. How do they do it? With expensive personal trainers, gormet food home delivery and deluxe spa treatments. Well what about those of us who don't have the time and money to spend on indulging in the lastest $1000 per month spa foods delivery or spend two hours a day at budokon class? In other words, wouldn't it be nice to lose a ton of weight with minimal effort? No tough exercise program, just you relaxing at home watching the pounds fall off. I, for one, have been searching for a program like that FOREVER! I've spent hundreds, (at this point probably thousands of dollars), testing out all those new fad diets and weight loss pills only to be disapointed again and again.

Whether its the South Beath, Atkins, Zone, Hoodia suppliments, cortisol, green tea supplements, grapefruit supplements, we've seen all the fantastic claims that people have made about losing tons of weight, and they show you how you can do the same thing. I can tell you right now that 99% of these people are total frauds. You may have even fallen prey to one of these scam artists, selling you their lastest "lose weight fast" programs. Me too. I've bought so many of these programs that I can't even recall how many. I don't know why, but I tend to find the "good" in people, and I was "sold" by these marketing schemes time and time again, even after being scammed by another. Finally, after so many disappointments, I got FED UP! I was tired of yo yo dieting. I wanted to lose weight and keep it off.

So I did some serious investigation as to what programs were frauds and which ones weren't. Essentially, we all know that in order to lose weight you need to expend more calories than you intake. Well, sounds easy enough, but whether its becuase of emotional overeating or lack of physical activity, most of us can't manage. So then I started looking into a couple of programs that made sense biologically. I looked for programs that had a staff on hand to answer any questions that I had and to support me in my weight loss goals. After much trial and error, I finally found a few programs that I now believe in. If you're tired of supplements and drugs and you don't want to screw up your metabolism then I suggest you give these programs a try.

I've now lost a little over ten pounds in the last month and pretty much reached my weight loss goal. I finally now feel "celebrity skinny" and I guess I just wanted to let people know that there are programs out there that work and not to give up trying to reach your weight loss goals. You can look as good as you want to. Below are the three that I recommend. I know that they were both having a Valentine's Day special the last time I looked, so check them out today!

Good Luck!

Here are 3 programs I recommend:

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Fat Loss '4' Idiots

The Negative Calorie Diet

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Weight Loss and the Negative Calorie Diet

Weight gain is caused by your calorie intake exceeding your calorie expenditure. If you could reverse this equation, then you would lose weight and have a negative calorie balance in your body. To achieve weight loss, what if you could eat negative calorie food? Negative calorie food is not a reality as all food contains calories. Negative calorie foods are those low in calories and that burn more calories during digestion than the calories contained in the food. The body has to work harder to extract the calories from these kinds of foods.

So as you might guess some one has created a negative calorie diet. The thought process behind the Negative Calorie diet is eating catabolic food, which is just a fancy word for negative calories. This diet is a dream come true because the more of these foods you eat, the more weight you lose. When combined with moderate exercise and other diet supplements, this is a win-win situation.

People using the negative calorie diet are eating and drinking foods that are full of nutrition, but are from the list of those having the negative caloric results. Remember any diet (be it negative calorie foods or not) is designed to reduce weight and body fat. Even though this diet plan is design for weight loss, it also will result in increased energy and longer life. The digestion process is the keystone of the Negative Calorie diet, so don't upset it! It takes longer periods of time for proper digestion of these foods.

Raw fruits and vegetables can always be found on a list of weight loss diet foods. The negative calorie foods contained in this diet are mostly fruits and vegetables which should be eaten raw. It also encourages eating five to six times a day keeping your body's metabolism maxed out. You can eat these foods until you are full at each meal and not worry about calories. Use them as part of a balanced diet and always respect the food pyramid.

So what are these magic food and vegetables? Here is a short list: Fruits:Apples, Apricots, Blueberries, Blackberries, Grapefruit, Peaches, Strawberries Vegetables: Broccoli, Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Zucchini

Talk about a simple diet, eating foods that we know are good for us and delicious. If you stick to it you can have an average loss of about a pound per week due to a negative calorie intake of about 3500 calories. So in a little over ten weeks you can lose ten pounds. This article is by no means an all inclusive discussion of diet, so always make sure to check with you physician before changing your diet. Good luck and good health.

Simon Volk has been a contributing author for websites and is an acknowledged expert in the field of health and fitness. He can be found on the internet at the website:

Health Fitness Articles Health Fitness Exercise

La weight loss program

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Negative Calorie Diet Review: Lose 14 Pounds In Seven Days

If you’re in the market for a fast weight loss system, look no further than The Negative Calorie Diet. With this unique “lose 14 pounds in seven days” diet, you get two benefits - not only do you lose weight fast, but the cleansing effects of the diet tone up your whole system. During the diet, you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are great for added vitality - and they bring a glow to your skin, too.

The idea behind The Negative Calorie Diet is that you eat various fruits and vegetables which have a negative calorie effect. That is, it takes more calories to digest these foods than is contained in them. You can eat plenty of these negative calorie foods so you don’t go hungry while you’re on the diet.

This diet is an ideal end-of-winter tune-up. You can shed those excess pounds you’ve put on before the bikini season, and perform a spring clean of your body’s internal organs as well. Think of The Negative Calorie Diet as a spa diet - the kind of diet you’d eat an expensive spa, recreated in the comfort of your own home.

Challenges With The Negative Calorie Diet

If you hate fruits and vegetables, this is not the diet for you. Nor should you consider this diet if you don’t have the time for preparation. That said, the diet ebook contains some luscious recipes, well worth the time it takes to prepare them.

The Negative Calorie Diet’s Benefits For Fast Weight Loss

The big benefit of the Negative Calorie Diet is that it helps you to change your diet to a healthier one. Your body will get huge benefits from the vitamins and minerals in this diet, if you’ve been overindulging in fast food. You get a vast collection of healthy recipes, which are easy to make, and which the whole family will enjoy. The recipes are worth the cost of the diet alone, and you’re sure to find several which are real keepers, and which you’ll make for parties - if you don’t tell anyone you’re on a diet, they’ll never guess from the food you make, only from your slim and glowing looks.

Included with the diet are some easy exercise programs, so that you boost your muscle tone and finish the diet looking great.

Is The Negative Calorie Diet for you? A big yes, if you’re tired of being tired and carrying around too many pounds. People using the diet have said that in addition to dropping pounds, it feels as if you’re dropping years, too.

Visit http://www.30dayslimmer.com for more information on the The Negative Calorie Diet and other popular diets. You’ll lose weight fast, when you subscribe to 30 Day Slimmer’s free weekly newsletter. Subscribers receive our free 32-page report: “30 Days To A Brand New Life! Get Lean, Trim And Terrific”. The Thirty Days To A Slimmer You Blog at http://www.30dayslimmer.com/blog keeps you up to date with what’s new in healthy weight loss.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Theory of Negative Calorie Foods

According to science, calorie or kilojoule is a unit of energy. The calorie of a food indicates the measure of its energy content. The food energy is expressed in kilojoules or calories.
All foods have some calorie content. Even the foods that have "negative calories" must also have some calories. Then why these foods are termed as "negative calorie foods"? To understand this, we should take into account three things: the calorie content of the food, the energy required to digest that food and the net result of consuming that food.

Let us consider three possibilities:
(i) If we eat a food whose calorie content is more than the calorie needed to digest that food, our body gains in weight. Such foods are not the negative calorie foods. Fast foods are the examples of such foods.
(ii) If we eat a food which needs same number of calories as the calorie content of the food, then our body does not gain in weigh, as these foods do not add any calories to the body. Such foods may be termed as "zero calorie foods". Watermelon is an example of such food.
(iii) If we eat a food for which the calorie needed to digest that food is more than the calorie content of the food itself, then the calorie balance becomes negative. The additional calories needed in this process must come from the body.
The digestion of such negative calorie foods exhausts our body calories. These foods, though possess some calories, yet they are known as "negative calorie foods" because of this negative calorie balance in the process. According to the theory of negative calorie food, our body will burn more calories digesting it than the number of calories it can add to our body.
The Examples of Negative Calorie Foods
The negative calorie foods are mostly vegetables and fruits, which are low in fat and high in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Some of these foods are celery, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, melons, berries, etc.
You should eat these foods as raw as far as possible, without adding any butter or oil that will quickly make them fattening.
Negative Calorie Foods in Weight Loss
Following arguments are in favor of negative calorie foods and weight loss.
As the negative calorie foods possess only a small amount of fat or no fat at all, they will not increase the body weight.
The dietary fibers present in these foods will make you feel full for a longer time. So if you include these so called negative calorie foods in any diet, then you will not feel hungry.
The carbohydrates in the foods need considerable number of calories in the process of digestion process. So these foods will add only a few calories to your body weight and will not increase the weight.
Further, a cold low calorie food may become a negative calorie food, because the food needs to be warmed to body temperature, which involves energy expenditure.
It is believed that certain negative calorie vegetables and fruits speed up metabolism, which is good for burning of calories and thus in weight loss.
The negative calorie foods, because of their high water content, will decrease your appetite and make you feel full.
It is therefore beneficial to include these negative calorie foods in your diet along with some exercise to achieve weight loss.
Copyright 2006, P. Mehta, www.FatFreeKitchen.com
[You can publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as it is used in its entirety including the resource box, all HTML hyperlinks (clickable) and copyright information.]
For more information visit negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and negative calorie diet .

Best Weight loss program - burn the fat, feed the muslces

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Burn Calories and Lose Weight with Negative Calorie Foods

Since nearly everything we eat helps contribute to our weight gain and calorie consumption it is nice to know that there are foods working on our behalf to slow that process down. Foods that will help your burn calories while consuming them. Sound too good to be true? Well it is not, we actually have at our disposal regular everyday fruits and vegetables to help do just that. Do you want to know what they are? Read on and take a look at the list that will help you enjoy eating while burning calories.

Most people don't know about negative calorie foods because we have been inundated with books, articles and programs that tell us to simply eat less and cut out the carbohydrates. The foods you will see on my list are all fruits and vegetables, which are their own carbohydrates as they have some sugar content, but because of their fiber content, they help our body feel full and burn calories. What does negative calorie mean? Well, simply put it is when the calories burned exceed the calories taken in. While we eat a handful of celery sticks our body is busy working away with both enzymes as well as the physical breakdown of the food. These processes require energy which come from the food you are eating. However, because the food requires more calories for energy to process the actual breakdown than what you have just eaten, it can start to work on stored calories (energy) that you have, helping you burn more calories and lose weight.

Continue to enjoy the foods you love, not worrying about the sugar but rather marveling in the fact that you are losing weight and feeling great!

List of Negative Calorie Foods
Green cabbage
Hot chili peppers
Dandelion greens
Green beans

Karla Davis is a Certified Personal Trainer who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in organizing homes and office spaces as a Professional Organizer and is also a Public Speaker. Karla has over 10 years of experience and success within inside/outside Sales and Marketing, and is the wife of Author, Paul Davis. Karla too is now writing her own books as her life mission is to positively transform the homes and lives of everyone she meets.

Please contact Karla for your Professional Organizing, Interior Decorating, or Nutritional needs at:
Karla DavisRestoring OrderP.O. Box 684 Goldenrod, FL 32733 U.S.A.W: (407) 284-1705kruzycki@hotmail.com http://www.paulnkarla.com/

Gastric bypass Info

Saturday, November 25, 2006

What are Negative Calories?

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of Negative Calories is certainly no exception.

When your calorie intake is more than your calorie expenditure, you gain weight. But if this is reversed, then it results in "negative calorie" balance in your body. In this situation, you expend more calories than you take in, resulting in a decrease in the stored calories in the form of body fat, and you experience a weight loss. About 10% of daily caloric intake is used to process foods in the body. You can expend more by doing pretty much any physical activities especially exercise like walking, jogging etc.

The information about Negative Calories presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Negative Calories or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes. One of the best books about Negative Calories I have come across is The Negative Calorie Diet. Negative Calories

There are certain foods that show negative calorie effect because the body has to expend more energy to extract calories from these foods. The negative calorie foods require more calories to break down the foods and digest them than the calories the foods actually contain. The extra calories are extracted from the stored fat in the body. Thus the negative calorie foods (may also be called fat burning foods) are ideal for reducing the body fat and for losing weight.
There's no doubt that the topic of Negative Calories can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about Negative Calories, you may find what you're looking for in the next article.

A new writer 51 years young. Have done a bit of writing before and hope to do much more.