Thursday, November 30, 2006

Burn Calories and Lose Weight with Negative Calorie Foods

Since nearly everything we eat helps contribute to our weight gain and calorie consumption it is nice to know that there are foods working on our behalf to slow that process down. Foods that will help your burn calories while consuming them. Sound too good to be true? Well it is not, we actually have at our disposal regular everyday fruits and vegetables to help do just that. Do you want to know what they are? Read on and take a look at the list that will help you enjoy eating while burning calories.

Most people don't know about negative calorie foods because we have been inundated with books, articles and programs that tell us to simply eat less and cut out the carbohydrates. The foods you will see on my list are all fruits and vegetables, which are their own carbohydrates as they have some sugar content, but because of their fiber content, they help our body feel full and burn calories. What does negative calorie mean? Well, simply put it is when the calories burned exceed the calories taken in. While we eat a handful of celery sticks our body is busy working away with both enzymes as well as the physical breakdown of the food. These processes require energy which come from the food you are eating. However, because the food requires more calories for energy to process the actual breakdown than what you have just eaten, it can start to work on stored calories (energy) that you have, helping you burn more calories and lose weight.

Continue to enjoy the foods you love, not worrying about the sugar but rather marveling in the fact that you are losing weight and feeling great!

List of Negative Calorie Foods
Green cabbage
Hot chili peppers
Dandelion greens
Green beans

Karla Davis is a Certified Personal Trainer who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in organizing homes and office spaces as a Professional Organizer and is also a Public Speaker. Karla has over 10 years of experience and success within inside/outside Sales and Marketing, and is the wife of Author, Paul Davis. Karla too is now writing her own books as her life mission is to positively transform the homes and lives of everyone she meets.

Please contact Karla for your Professional Organizing, Interior Decorating, or Nutritional needs at:
Karla DavisRestoring OrderP.O. Box 684 Goldenrod, FL 32733 U.S.A.W: (407)

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

What are Negative Calories?

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of Negative Calories is certainly no exception.

When your calorie intake is more than your calorie expenditure, you gain weight. But if this is reversed, then it results in "negative calorie" balance in your body. In this situation, you expend more calories than you take in, resulting in a decrease in the stored calories in the form of body fat, and you experience a weight loss. About 10% of daily caloric intake is used to process foods in the body. You can expend more by doing pretty much any physical activities especially exercise like walking, jogging etc.

The information about Negative Calories presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Negative Calories or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes. One of the best books about Negative Calories I have come across is The Negative Calorie Diet. Negative Calories

There are certain foods that show negative calorie effect because the body has to expend more energy to extract calories from these foods. The negative calorie foods require more calories to break down the foods and digest them than the calories the foods actually contain. The extra calories are extracted from the stored fat in the body. Thus the negative calorie foods (may also be called fat burning foods) are ideal for reducing the body fat and for losing weight.
There's no doubt that the topic of Negative Calories can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about Negative Calories, you may find what you're looking for in the next article.

A new writer 51 years young. Have done a bit of writing before and hope to do much more.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

See Results with Negative Calorie Foods, Exercise and Weight Loss Pills

It's not an unexplained phenomenon that your weight will increase when your calorie intake becomes more than your calorie expenditure. On the other hand if you reverse this calorie equation, there will be a negative calorie balance in your body. When this occurs, you use more calories than you have supplied your body, which results in a decrease of the stored calories and you see weight loss. Almost ten percent of the calories you take in daily are used to process food you have already eaten. You can increase the weight loss even more by participating in physical activity and supplementing with weight loss pills.

There are several foods that will show this negative calorie occurrence. Your body will have to expend much more energy to extract calories from these types of foods. Negative calorie foods will require more calories used by your body to break down the contents of the food and digest it, than the calories that the foods actually contain. These extra calories are found in fat already stored in the body. What happens is the negative calorie foods will aid you in reducing the body fat resulting in a loss of weight.

In order to clear things up I have provided an example. After dinner if you consume desert that contains 250 calories your body may only expend 160 calories to digest that desert. The 90 calories left over, if not burned off will result in body fat. However, if you consume 120 calories of food and that food requires 160 calories to be digested by your body, then you have used an extra 40 calories just by consuming that food. These 40 calories come from fat stored in your body and are used up resulting in a loss of weight!

You may wonder what foods you should eat to see these effects. There are many negative calorie foods. Fruits and vegetables make up a majority of the negative calorie foods. Make sure to include vegetables and/or fruits with every meal. Many fruits are sweet in flavor and are a great alternative to your normal fattening desert.

If you incorporate these negative calorie foods with a consistent exercise program and weight loss pills the effects are even more dramatic. Before using any weight loss pills or supplements you should consult a family doctor or physician.

The great thing about negative calorie foods is they can help ease the stress of your diet. By eating these foods more often, your diet does not become bogged down by calorie counting. Negative calorie foods are a safe and effective way to lose weight. Combine these with a weight loss pills and exercise and soon you will see the new you!

Eric Transue is webmaster/writer for where you can learn more about negative calorie foods, where to get them and how to use them to lose weight.

Gastric bypass Info

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Diet Using Negative Calories – Your Weight Loss Program

Dieting – in theory and mathematically – is simple. If you consume fewer calories then your body burns in the course of a day, you will lose weight. Plain and simple. Of course, for most of us this remains a concept that is only successful in theory. In practice, it can be extraordinarily difficult to cut calories while raising the rate at which we burn them through exercise.

For those looking to lose a few pounds or achieve significant results in a short period of time, they will often diet using negative calories. Negative calories exist in such foods that burn more calories to ingest and digest them than exist in the food itself. Many fruits and vegetables contain negative calories and thus they are a staple in most weight loss plans today.

However, keep in mind that diet using negative calories is a temporary approach to lose weight quickly; perhaps for a special event in your life like a wedding or class reunion. Or it can be quiet useful during a time when caloric intake is normally high, such as after the holidays. But embarking on a diet using negative calories is not meant for long term use as it can be dangerous to deny your body certain nutrients for long periods of time; you’ll wind up depleting muscle mass rather than fat.

In order to diet using negative calories, do your research. It is imperative that you know and understand the calories that are associated with the foods you are going to include in your diet program. Look for whole foods, vegetables, and fruits. Make a list so that you know exactly what you’ll be eating for this short period of time and the calories you will ingest.

Next, determine how many calories you burn during the course of a single day. This will allow you to calculate how many calories you can ingest based upon the number of calories you will burn.

Try to maintain a healthy balance of the foods you are eating, combining fresh vegetables and fruits. Eating only one specific food during your diet using negative calories will leave you feeling depleted of energy as you’ll be missing some essential vitamins.

But most importantly, never embark on any weight loss program without consulting a medical professional. Your doctor will best be able to guide you through a diet using negative calories in a way that is healthy for you to achieve your weight loss goals.

For easy to understand, in depth information about weight loss visit our ezGuide 2 Weight Loss

Gastric bypass Info

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Negative Calorie Foods for Weight Loss Diet

All foods have some calorie content. Then how a food can possess negative calorie? The negative calorie foods need more calories to digest than the number of calories they give to the body. We can understand this by the following example.

Let us suppose a food has x calories. If it requires y calories to digest, then the number of calories this food gives to the body =x-y. We consider three situations depending on the values of x and y.

(a) If x is more than y, the body gains in weight. This is the situation in which the number of calories of the food is more than the number of calories needed to digest that food. Fatty foods are the examples of such foods. The fat very easily goes to the waistline.
(b) The foods with x=y require the same amount of calories to digest as their own calorie content. Such foods do not add any calories to the body and may be called as zero calorie foods. Watermelon is an example of zero calorie food.

(c) If for some foods, y is more than x, then the result of this calorie equation becomes negative. In nature there are certain foods possessing this negative calorie property that take extra calories from the body fat to get ingested. Because these foods take additional calories from the body fat, they are known as negative calorie foods.

The question arises, do such foods are really available in nature? There are some studies in support of negative calorie foods. Celery is known to require more calories for digestion than the calorie content of itself, so it is a negative calorie food. These foods are natural plant foods like vegetables, fruits and beans.

Vegetables and fruits like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumber, carrot, spinach, turnip, zucchini, apples, oranges, lettuce, grapefruit and strawberries are some of the examples of negative calorie foods. One thing is common in these foods. All of these foods are low in fat and calories and high in carbohydrates. Absence of fat ensures that these foods if included in your diet, will not increase your weight. Breaking of carbohydrates in the digestion process will consume considerable number of calories.

Looking to the negative calorie property of these foods, it can be thought that if these foods are included in diet, they can be of immense value for weight loss. A healthy weight loss diet plan should therefore include vegetables, fruits, whole-grains and beans. If you include as much negative calorie foods as possible in the your diet, then there is no need to count calories. The weight loss diet based on negative calorie foods can give you the carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers necessary to keep you fit. You will see amazing weight loss results if you routinely add negative calorie foods to your diet.

[Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info. You are not permitted to include any additional hyperlinks.]

Copyright 2006,
For more information on negative calorie foods, negative calorie recipes and diets with negative calorie foods, visit the web site: Negative calorie foods weight loss diet

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Negative Calorie Diet

The problem of overweight and obesity is affecting millions of people in our society. Eating unhealthy foods has resulted in unwanted weight gain. However there are many diets that have originated in answer to this unhealthy condition. One particular diet is the negative calorie diet. It is specifically designed to cause fat loss.

The premise behind the negative calorie diet is the belief that there are negative calorie foods that take more calories to digest than the actual calorie content of these foods and so creating a negative caloric effect. The extra energy to break down these foods is taken from the stored fat in the body causing weight loss through the negative calorie diet. For example an apple containing 50 calories may require 100 calories to digest via the negative calorie diet. So an additional 50 calories have been burnt simply by eating that particular food via the negative calorie diet. These calories are taken from the body’s fat reserves in the negative calorie diet.
A negative calorie diet includes certain fruits and vegetables. These are apples, asparagus, beets, blueberries, broccoli, cantaloupes, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cranberries, cucumber, garlic, grapefruit, green cabbage, oranges, papaya, pineapple, spinach, strawberries, turnip, watermelon, zucchini, and many more found in the negative calorie diet. All these types of foods are very healthy and nutritious at the same time complementing the negative calorie diet. So this negative calorie diet is extremely beneficial for our body.

Fat loss for any particular individual in the negative calorie diet is dependent upon his or her body’s unique metabolism rate. That person is increasing his or her metabolism by eating certain foods which result in weight fat loss via the negative calorie diet. Not eating is not the solution in the negative calorie diet. Eating the negative calorie foods keeps the body burning fat via the negative calorie diet.

The negative calorie diet should also be accompanied with some form of mild exercise. Everyday exercise can be sufficient for adequate fat loss such as cycling and walking. So keep that in mind.
For more information on the negative calorie diet visit our web site:
Negative Calorie Diet:

The Negative Calorie Diet

Friday, November 03, 2006

The Negative Calorie Diet - Can This Be Real

You have probably heard of the Negative Calorie Diet, sometimes referred to as the Catabolic Diet. On the surface, it sounds like a dieters dream. The more you eat, the more weight you lose. Can this be real?

Of course, there is no such thing as a food that contains negative calories. Every food contains calories. The idea behind the Negative Calorie diet is to eat catabolic foods, or negative calorie foods that burn more calories to digest that what they put back.

Surprisingly, strictly based on numbers, this is entirely possible, but it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence to verify it.

For example, if you eat an orange that hypothetically contains 80 calories, you gain 80 calories. But if that same orange uses 110 calories to digest, you lose 30 calories.

Since your body needs 110 calories to digest the orange and the orange only provides 80, where does it get the other 30 calories? It would come from the stored fat in your body.

Now all you need to do is eat a crate of oranges every day and you will be thin in no time.
OK, that is not very practical. But there are many other catabolic foods to choose from, but as you might expect, they all belong to the fruit and vegetable families. You can chew that cheeseburger until your gums bleed, but you will still consume more calories that you burn.
The biggest drawback to the Negative Calorie diet is that fruits and vegetables lack some important nutrients found in meat, dairy, and grain foods. Can we be healthy eating only fruits and vegetables? Of course. Vegetarians do it all the time. Fruits and vegetables are a very important part of a healthy diet. But they are not the only part.

The bigger question would be if you are willing to. If you are used to eating meats, dairy, and grains, would you be able to switch to an all vegetarian diet?

The better solution would be to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your regular diet. They not only help you burn more calories, but they also provide vital nutrients. They also help fill you up, so you eat less of the other foods.

The foods you eat play the most important role in your health and fitness. Like the saying goes, "You are what you eat".

To see a partial list of negative calorie or catabolic foods, go to
Negative Calorie Diet

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The Negative Calorie Diet - Can This Be Real